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HomeBlogThe Dangerous Side Effects of Imli (Tamarind)

The Dangerous Side Effects of Imli (Tamarind)

Imli, known as tamarind in english, and is scientifically named Tamarindus indica L. This plant belongs to the family Leguminosae(Fabaceae). 

Besides, it has several medicinal uses since it is beneficial to health, however there are cases when an individual can react negatively towards its use. It is grown in various countries such as African states, Asian nations including India where locals call this fruit tamarind or Chintapandu in Telugu but they also have their own names like ambli if mentioned under Gujaratis etc.. 

It is found all over the world because it has been introduced into cultivation in many tropical regions. 

The trees are long-lived and can reach several feet high depending on where you are living.

In this blogpost we are going to discuss some dangerous side effects if imli!

But, first we’ll have to discuss its benefits and use.

Uses of Imli

Imli has a wide range of uses. Some are mentioned below.

  • Tamarind is widely used in Indian, Thai, and Mexican dishes, typically to provide a sour and sweet taste to chutneys, curries, and marinades. 
  • It is used in large amounts in the production of Worcestershire sauce and HP sauce. 
  • Imli is used In preparing many sweet and sour dishes like chutneys, pickles, candies, and drinks etc.
  • It usually applied in prescription for cases of constipation.
  • It has been used in traditional medicine for fever, sore throat, and some types of digestive problems.
  • Tamarind is used for making inks, dyes and varnishes.
  • It is used in the leather industry as a fixing and dyeing agent.
  • Imli wood is used for the preparation of various items such as furniture, carts, and agricultural tools.
  • The leaves and flowering portion of the tamarind tree is used in the worshipping process and in religious carnivals.

Benefits of Imli

Weight Loss

Tamarind extract can reduce weight and lipid levels in obese rats, indicating that the recipe can be recommended for obesity management.

Heart Health

Tamarind has been found to be beneficial in atherosclerosis – a type of heart disease where fatty material such as cholesterol or other substances forms plaque like substance on the inner walls of blood vessels. Apart from this, it contains a good amount of potassium that assists in managing heart rate and blood pressure along with carotene that does a good job at reducing bad cholesterol.

Immune System

Imli contains antioxidants such as vitamin C, flavonoids, carotenes, and Vitamin B complex that are known to help the immune system.

Iron Deficiency Anaemia

It is mainly used for treating conditions like Iron deficiency anaemia which is because the fruit drink contains vitamin C that aids in the absorption of Iron in the body.

Digestive Health

The seeds of tamarind is used as a laxative owing to its high content of tartaric and malic, which acts as the Rough on the bowel and abolishes constipation.

Nutritional Value

Tamarind is believed to possess nutrient density and can be used to boost nutrition and therefore recommended to be included in the culinary diet.

So Finally lets Come Towards Our Main Topic.

Side Effects of Imli

Here are some of the potentially dangerous side effects of consuming too much imli (tamarind):

Dental Caries

Imli is said to have very high acidity levels and therefore is not good for the teeth especially when taken in large quantities. This acid can lead to rusting, staining, as well as discolouration, mainly on teeth.

Allergic Reactions

Some individuals have a sensitivity and allergic reactions to tamarind that can manifest as rashes and itchy skin, swollen skin, dizziness, fainting spells, vomiting and feeling short of breath.

Acid Reflux

Because of excessive amount of acids imli, it can actually cause the increase of the level of the stomach’s acidity that can cause such problems as acid reflux.


Imli tightens blood vessels hence when mixed with some medicine it may cause hazardous effects if taken in large proportions.

Laxative Effect

Due to rich fiber and acid content in Imli it can cause diaphragm and thus pull up enema while taking certain classes of medication.

Lowered Blood Sugar

According to our research Imli can have an effect of reducing blood sugar levels and therefore it should not be taken frequently by people on special diabetes medication.

Interactions with Antibiotics

People who take Imli may get skin and health issues when they come into contact with ophthalmic antibiotics.

Lead Poisoning

Imli candies and pastes are fatally toxic and contain lead which if ingested prove to be highly poisonous particularly in children and pregnant women. However, it is recommended that people avoid taking imli in excessive quantities.

However, it should be remembered that imli is very beneficial when taken in good portions, but taking it to the extreme can result in the above adverse effects. 

The portion control is important when it comes to the foods and it is always advisable to seek medical advice from a doctor before altering one’s diet plan.

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